Monday, September 29, 2008

where's dessert already?!

nothing stinks more than having someone tell you they're bringing you dessert. then wait a few hours dreaming about what delicious sweet will arrive at your study haven, then they call to say they will not even coming over! NO Sweet Treats that were promised! BOGUS! so awful! The cruelest of tricks! 

Now I must search myself, in this large city, for warm rice pudding with raisins, chocolate fudge torte, cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing. All I can think of is the most decadent treats..... I, perhaps, am a bit spoiled. Nonetheless, treats I shall have! If it means settling for the lonely freezerburned fudge pop at the back of the freezer, so be it.

1 comment:

Paula said...

I so TOTALLY know what you mean.