Monday, December 15, 2008

at the baby shower. omg

We didn't party quite as hard as we anticipated (ha ha). Although I was trying pretty hard with that mulled wine. This photo was right before Jamie just lied down completely on the floor. It was a long drive there. 
There were many small children there. We had the opportunity to play with kids, watch them do silly things, watch them misbehave or what have you, and imagine our lives as parents. It was interesting. Sometimes I simultaneously want kids and really don't want kids. I mean, there's a sense of relief  in walking away from it, and just being responsible for yourself. Numero uno. But on the other hand, they are amazing, and watching the kid/parent bond is really special. and i want to experience that!
My cousin is amazing, she's 8 months pregnant and was wearing these totally fierce black high high heels. You go mama. That won't be me. i'll be wearing a sweatsuit and birkenstocks, or some embarrassing getup. hee hee. 
Also, there was like this crazy ice storm that had just passed when we got there. Woah. Today in Philly it was like 60 degrees. Tomorrow its going to be in the 30's. I'm definitely getting sick. *sigh*
in other news, today i rubbed two pennies together to buy a mini xmas/solstice tree. and its making me soo happy, glowing in the living room. can we tell i'm nesting?

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